Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Friendly Friends!
If you missed my "Viva Las Vegas" Cooking Class Extravaganza, you really missed it! The food was incredible if I do say so myself, but the fun was immeasurable! I want to thank all of our wonderful "Stars" that came out to help us celebrate: Elvis, you are Always the King; Marilyn Monroe, you're still the Princess of HOTTIES; Mr. Vegas Tom Jones: U Rock, dude! And of course, the lovely lady with the fruity cranium, CARMEN MIRANDA.....you are a TRUE Goddess, babe! What can I say? I also want to thank all the wonderful folks who joined us for this truly unique experience. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
You know, I use food for fuel and for fun. Life's way too short not to enjoy it, people. My Princess bride always reminds me that "This is our life.....this is NOT a dress rehearsal." I know exactly what she means. Take each moment you're on this earth and savor it; enjoy this gift the best way you know how. You never know how it may change. Just this weekend, life changed drastically for some friends of mine. While they will eventually get back to the task of "living", things will always be very different for them. That's why you have to make each moment count. It doesn't have to be an "earth-shattering" event; it could be just sharing a Diet Dr. Pepper with your daughter after a softball game (that's all I could have....on a diet, you know!). I grew up in a big family of seven children and my grandmother all under the same roof. Things were less hectic when my dad was just a sales mgr. for a brick company. We had dinners together every night, and all was grand. Then we got into the restaurant business and my life changed. We weren't all around the table together anymore. I missed that growing up. When I teach these classes, I try to do things and set up "themes" so that you all have fun. It means so very much to me, and I want so badly to share these recipes, flavors and experiences with you. I don't want to go through my life saying "what if...". So perhaps I don't have all the room to have each of you cook your own food or participate in an elaborate cooking scheme. I can demonstrate it for you, and now you've become a part of my world. Isn't THAT what it's all about? Learning more and more about all of you is fun for me because it gives us a bond; we have shared an experience. Trust me: do this with your family as often as you can. I love it when my children bring their friends over when I'm cooking. It means more folks want to share their lives with me, and that's a huge honor and privilege. I am humbled that my two stepsons have allowed me to share such a special place in their life. Food and cooking helped me to build that bond with them, and I love them as though they are my very own. Meet your family around the table sometime, and let them know that No Conversation is off limits. You'll be surprised what you will learn. I didn't mean to turn this into a "Soap Opera" today, but after the events of this weekend, I had this on my mind. Hug your family and tell them you love them. Cook together, even if you're not very good. Heck, I'll TEACH ya! haha Thanks for reading this. Let me know if you have any topics you would like me to cover. Until next time: BE COOL! Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard: Father to 4 of my Heroes, Friend to all who will have me, and The Happiest Husband in the world, for I have a PRINCESS!! ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010


It's ON, friends! This is the week of the VIVA LAS VEGAS cooking class, and I'm SO excited! We've got a pretty amazing lineup of treats that we're going to be cooking on Thursday, so come hungry! I started working on the Baked Alaskas today and they're going to be fun and yummy. I made the Gazpacho today as well, because it gets better as it "marries" with all the flavors. If you're coming, feel free to "dress up" if you would like to. I know we'll have some pretty big "stars" here, so it should be a fun evening for everyone. Someone recently asked me about our classes and if you get to cook your own dinner when you're here. Well, we're just not set up in our kitchen to do it quite that way. I love for folks to come up and assist me, and we hope you really learn something while you're here. We are working on plans to make our "Wolf & Subzero" kitchen fully operational, and add much more seating along with worktables. That will be lots of fun, don't you think? (say "yes"!) Anyway, I try to get you as involved as possible, but sometimes it's more demonstration than "hands on", and mainly for that reason. There ya go!
I'm getting ready to launch my summer class schedule, and I'm going to be doing The Cook's Station Book Club Class. I'm taking a different chef's cookbook each month and we'll showcase their food. What do you think about that, hmm? I think it will be cool. So that's about all I have time for today, 'cuz I DO have a job, you know! Until next time, my people: Thanks a million, make every second count, and I'll see YOU at the TOP!!
Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard: Friend, Daddio, Groove Machine, and Married to the Princess of my Dreams!

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Time to Partay!!

Easter....The Bunny came and left his loot, my family enjoyed a delicious lunch at our "crib", and my Princess and I came away tired but happy knowing that we had enjoyed such an important occasion with the ones we love the most. Easter is the rebirth; everything begins anew. We can go into the religious connotations, which are very dear to me and my family, but for now I would just say that I'm very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead of us. Let's Rock ON, people!
This week: I'm back on it with our Spring Cocktail Partayyyy!! I'm excited about this class because we're really going to give you some good info on how to plan and execute your next "Throwdown". We've got some really beautiful drinks to share with you, along with some delicious and easy appetizers, decorating tips and even some "Tune Selection". How much fun can a human have in a span of 2 hours? Hmm? I ask you!
I think I might do some deeelicious grilling on Friday just because I can. No charge, just bring your cool self on down here and who knows what we might make? I'm always up for sumpin'.
My partner in crime, Chef Julie (or Jules if yer cool), is going to do be cooking up a storm on Wednesday for "Wind and Willow Wednesday". She takes the delicious mixes made by Wind and Willow and puts her own spin on the recipes, so you need to come down for some sampling. Hey, THAT'S FREE!!
Well, the dam's gonna burst in about 2 weeks as we head into "Vegas Week". Our VIVA LAS VEGAS Cooking Extravaganza on April 22 is SOLD OUT!! That's tight, man....tight! Also, I'm appearing on the Jack and Kimberly Morning Show on WSPA-TV 7 on April 21st of that week, and I'm gonna make some of the Pimiento Groove. If you think I'm giving out the recipe, you're W-R-O-N-G! heehee But I'll show ya how I make it "Grooooove".
Finally, I found out last night that one of my son's friends, Handy Andy, has purchased a home in my neighborhood and is moving in very soon. Anyone want to buy my house?? hahahaha Just kidding, Handy. But do be careful of the razor-wire fence I'm putting up around my yard. It's a little "Sharp". Until next time, my troops: Peace OUT!! Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard": Family Food Broker, Father of some real cartoon characters, and the most blessed man in the world because I have a Princess who said "I Do"!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cottontail!

Can you believe that Spring has Sprung? Oh yeah, babe.....It's HERE!! WooHoo! This has been a very "interesting" winter, to say the least. I'm getting all ramped up for my classes this Spring, as well as prepping for some really Stone Cold Events that we're participating in. We've got our "Cocktail Party" class coming up on April 8th, and let me tell ya, friends.....we're GONNA have F-U-N! Along with my "Senior Mixologist" Kevin (he's my Only mixologist!), we've come up with some really way cool Adult Beverages to make any party a real THROWDOWN! Combine this with some really amazing appetizers that anyone can make, some groovy tunes and decorations, and what a partayy!!
A TON of folks have asked about "Viva Las Vegas" night. This is gonna be one bad mamma jamma of a cooking class. I've researched menues from the '50's and '60's in Vegas and I'm putting my own twist on some "real gone grub, daddio"! Should be a lot of fun and, you Never Know who might show up! ;)
Now to answer some email questions from some of you:
"Jenny in Simpsonville" wrote to me asking if it's hard to make stocks. Jenny, it's not hard, it's just a little time consuming. It's well worth it, though. Stocks enhance so many dishes, sauces and more. Homemade ones add another level of flavor, so make it if you can. You can then freeze it, and one thing I like to do is use ice cube trays and freeze individual "stock" cubes. You can then add them as needed without waste. I sent her the recipes to a beef, chicken and fish stock, so let me know if you would like this info as well.
"Rusty in Greenville" wrote asking how I come up with my cooking classes. Well, Rusty old boy, I'm just GOOFY! That's how I do it. Seriously, I try to keep them fun and fresh, so I like to give you more than the average cooking class. I want you to learn and enjoy at the same time. And isn't that what cooking is really all about? I mean, I realize we're fueling our bods and all that really cool stuff, but I'm also doing most of my socializing then, so let's enjoy it!
Finally, "Lindsay Lohan of Hollywood" wrote and wants to come to the Cocktail Party. Uh, yeah...not in THIS LIFETIME, girlie! hahahaha Okay, just kidding!
That's about all we have time for today, sportsfans. Be watching 'cuz I have LOTS more happenin's to talk about in the near future. Oh, I'm appearing on the Jack and Kimberly Show on WSPA-TV 7 on Wednesday, April 21st. Gonna show them a little 'bout The Pimiento GROOVE! That will be totally fun.
Until next time, Groove Patrol: Livin', lovin', laughin'. That's the way to do it!

Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard...Friend to many, Father to some great kids, and Husband to a Princess. I'm the luckiest man alive!!

Friday, February 26, 2010


By popular demand, I have RETURNED!!! Sorry for the hiatus. Lots of stuff going on in the life of a "Chunkman". First of all, Thanks to all you totally groovy people for our cooking class last night! Whew! I'm tired, but it was a whirling vortex of fun. For those of ya that couldn't get in or were out of town like Lisbeth the Gamecock Princess, here was last night's menu: (by the way, it was a Sauce Class, you know)

1) Marinated Grilled chicken breasts sliced on a bed of mixed greens with a Basil Vinaigrette, cranberries and shaved Parmesan
2) Penne Rigate pasta with a Basil and Sundried Tomato Pesto
3) Grilled Beef Tenderloin Napoleon Bearnaise with Seared Bay Scallops and Grilled Asparagus
4) White chocolate Mousse with Chocolate meringues and a Raspberry Coulis

Yum Yum YUMMO!!! We had a great time, and I was so happy to have my good friends Steve and Tootie Poteet in the house. It was an incredible atmosphere here last night and hope all of you can join us again sometime. Check our website at www.thecooksstation.com for the schedule of upcoming classes.
Coming this weekend: The Lee Brothers from Charleston are coming to do a book signing of their latest cookbook, SIMPLE, FRESH, SOUTHERN. We're very excited about this and hope you'll come and join us from 2-4 pm on Sunday the 28th. They're going to be doing some cooking demos and I'll be helping them with a couple of their recipes from the book, so it should be a "tasty" Sunday! Well, that's all for right now as I have to get busy again. I won't stay away so long this time, so watch for more incredible "happenin's"!! Cheers, Everybody!

Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard: Chef, Friend, Father to my 4 awesome Children and all their friends we've "Adopted", and husband to the love of my life, my Princess!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Christmas Time, Pretty Baby!!

Elvis said it right, man: It's Christmas Time, Pretty Baby....Santa Claus is Back in Town!
Can you believe it's almost here? It just seems like yesterday was....yesterday. Whatever. I'm kinda flustered and crazy right now. My wife was here in our store today and I've had several people tell me how pretty she is. Here's how it is friends: I know that; You can know that; DON'T TELL ME THAT!!! You know why? A) those "People" I referred to are men; B) I'M A JEALOUS LITTLE FELLA!!!! I'll introduce those fellers to the "Hammer Brothers: Jack and Sledge!" Okay okay, I'll TRY and keep my cool, but she IS a little hottie! Enough about that. I just whipped up a HUGE batch of the Pimiento GROOVE, and a lot of it sold before I could even package it. NO, people weren't walking out with it in their hands. They allowed me to put it in the little tubs. It is Yummalicious, so you better bring your little self down here and get some before it's all gone. Check our website, too, 'cuz some of my cooking classes for after the holidays are already listed. My brother Lee is going to come down and we're gonna cook our little heads of together for Valentine' Day, so you better sign up now. That's about all I have for ya right now. I have to go and untie those "dudes" who were gazing on my Princess.....the train's about to come. hahahaha Cheers! Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard: Chef, Thankful Dad and Blessed Friend, and Husband to a Princess!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I can't BELIEVE the emails I've received from those of you wanting to know why I haven't written on my blog lately! You are NASTY!! (JUST kidding!) Thank you for wondering where I've been. Actually, it's been an unbelievable holiday season for us here at The Cook's Station, and it ain't over yet. Today, I'm working on the new Cooking Class Schedule for January-March, and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. Be sure to check our website at www.thecooksstation.com for that info. I feel so blessed to be a part of so many lives. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you folks take time out of your day to read the jibberish that I write! I will try to keep it informative and FUNNY! Anyway, let's look at the things I'm thankful for:

  • For my wonderful family and friends
  • for the opportunity to cook for so many and teach them the wonderful lessons I have learned throughout my life.
  • for black-and-white Andy Griffith episodes. I BOYCOTT WARREN AND EMMETT!!
  • for C.J. Spiller and the wonderful ambassador he has become for Clemson U. God Bless you, dude!
  • for red and green M&M's, especially when they are cold. Mmmm, crunchy!
  • for all the fans of my PIMIENTO GROOVE! Yummilicious! Please keep buying it, and look for my NEW products coming soon!
  • for the smell of fresh-cut Christmas trees, preferably Fraser firs.
  • for my wonderful wife, my little Princess, for 7 incredible years of marriage. You have been there for me every step of the way, and I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth to have you as my Life Partner. I love you, Linda

I love the opportunity to write this blog for all of you, and I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if there is ever anything that you would like me to discuss. Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas to all!!


Chef Mark "Chunkman" Pollard, father to Turner, Justin, Aaron, and Lindsay; friend to so many wonderful "Pals", including Lisbeth the Rooster Queen; and husband to the most beautiful and awesome Princess I have ever known!